Daughter of the Most High God

You are called upon.
You will lead the procession
With your singers...
With your obedience...
With your love.
From your inspiration will come words to walk by;
words to live by;
words to war by;
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
You are my messenger and
thousands follow your urging.
You strengthen the toilers arm with a hope and a dream;
Your hope is real and
Your dream is true.
You will see it come to pass.
I will stay by your side.
I will hold the shield and send the fiery darts to another destination.
I will hold back the forces of evil.
Oh, come! Cast your burden entirely upon me.
I want to carry it.
Glory will come to Me because of your inspiration to others.
These writers will continue to gain momentum for they do not
quarrel or act in any form of jealousy. There is no envy among them.
I will protect this "tribe".
The sun will rise and their words will be there for all to read...
the moon, too, shall follow her course in the sky and the words to live by
will still be there.
Because you were obedient, and followed My instructions
I will bless all...and especially you, for you are My daughter.
My love for you is very deep and true and My Spirit will never leave you.

©Joan Clifton Costner